SABAH BEDDING adopts open and transparent communication as one of its core principles. In this regard, the company has an Ethics Hotline where employees, local communities, and all parties involved in business relationships (suppliers, subcontractors, subcontractors' employees, customers, business partners, etc.) can safely report any violations of company policies and seek support for unclear issues. Employees and all relevant stakeholders can address their concerns to their managers or local project management. If the issue cannot be resolved, they can contact the SABAH Ethics Hotline or the Ethics email address.
When concerns arise, employees are encouraged to consult with their managers or supervisors before reaching out to the SABAH Ethics Committee. If the issue remains unresolved, employees can report their concerns via phone or email to the SABAH Ethics Committee.
Some examples of violations or inappropriate activities that should be reported include:
• Environmental, health, and safety issues
• Workplace disputes and inappropriate behaviors
• Information protection and data privacy
• Threats and physical violence
• Legal and regulatory issues
• Human rights and employee rights issues or suspected violations
• Bribery and excessive gifts
• Unfair advantage and compliance
• Leaks of confidential information
• Managers using employees for personal interests/business
• Unfair performance evaluations
• Discrimination against employees
• Negligence and abuse of duties